Email signatures for students: tips and examples

You’ve probably seen student email signatures with job titles and university degrees on them. What if you don’t have any of those but still want to create a signature? What should you include then, and why is it important to have a professional student email signature with every email you send?

Here’s a comprehensive guide that explains why students need personal email signatures and shows how to create one. 

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Email signatures for students: tips and examples:

Why is a student email signature important?
     What should I include in a proper email signature?
     Tips for creating a perfect student signature
Email signature generators for creating student signature

Creative examples of email signature
      Example of a college student email signature

      Master’s student example
      Ph.D. student example
How to add a student signature

      Apple Mail
How to use your student email signature for job hunting
      Use a dedicated tool to create a signature
      Link to your CV
Direct people to relevant social media
Use email signature with email tracking


Why is a student email signature important?

So what are the benefits of email signatures for students? Having a custom email signature is a great way to reflect your personality and professionalism. It also helps give the student a sense of authority or status. A good signature usually includes your name, contact information, links to social media channels, your blog, portfolio, and other information (see the section below).

?If you already have a signature, we’ll show you how to add it to your email client or how to improve it.

This is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself and make an impression on prospective employers and recruiters. If you’re applying for an internship or job, along with a professional resume, a well-crafted clickable email sign-off could make all the difference. 

Aside from its professional use, an email signature can also be a fun way to add a bit of personality to emails. No matter if you’re a law student, Ph.D, or medical student, you can include emojis or gifs or even add your favorite inspirational quotes. This can help you stand out and make it easier to distinguish between different emails in people’s overcrowded inboxes. 

Importance of email signature for student email communication

Think of your email signature as your virtual introduction. For students, a solid email signature is crucial for professional communication with professors, peers, and potential employers. It helps to establish credibility, provides essential contact information, and leaves a positive impression. Think of your email signature as your virtual handshake. According to 52% of real users, a solid email signature is crucial for effective communication with clients. Only a small 3.4% disagree.


What should I include in a proper email signature?

What should I include in a proper email signature?

“What to include in email signature,” students may wonder. Ok. Let’s look into this. 

An email signature for students usually contains the following:

Student email signature
  1. A student’s full name
  2. Educational institution
  3. Intended major
  4. Year of graduation
  5. With some creativity, it might even include additional images and social media links.

Check out a few email signature examples to get inspired:


As you already know, a well-designed email signature is your chance to make a great first impression. By including the right information, you can ensure that your contacts will have a clear understanding of who you are and what you do. 

If you keep the below tips in mind, you’ll be able to create an effective student email signature.

Tips for creating a perfect student signature

  • Keep it short, but don’t leave out any important information. Include the necessary details, such as your name, educational institution, phone number, and social media profiles. Consider adding your email address because messages forwarded or copied may not include that information.
  • Make it relevant. Your signature is part of every message you send, so it needs to fit the situation. If you often send email messages to friends, peers, professors, and potential employers, you should make sure that your signature is appropriate for each group. You can also have multiple signatures in your email correspondence.
  • Use a professional headshot. You can use a photo you took yourself if you want to, but make sure it looks as professional as possible. Take it against a simple background to reduce distractions, but make sure there’s enough contrast between your face and the background.
  • Use a font and color that are comfortable to read. It’s best to choose from web-safe fonts.
College email signature
  • Have a consistent look. Your email signature should have a consistent look, regardless of the email client or device you’re using. This ensures that your signature looks the same to everyone who sees it. To achieve that consistent look, it’s best to use a professional email signature generator. We’ll cover this topic later in this article. 

Check out this guide for more valuable tips.


  • Do not try to fit your whole bio into your signature.
  • Don’t make your signature an image. Someone who gets your email might have email settings that block images automatically. That means they will never see it if you use an image instead of your signature.
  • Avoid quotes from the Bible or other religious texts that can offend people.
  • Don’t give email recipients too many ways to reach you. Include one or two of the best and quickest methods.
email signature student

Email signature generators for creating student signature

When it comes to creating the right student email signature, the best way to get one is by using dedicated tools known as email signature generators. They typically come with a range of customizable features, including fonts, colors, logos, and photos, allowing students to create a signature that stands out. They also typically have ready-made templates, meaning you don’t have to start from scratch. Here are a few tools to design a student email signature in no time. 

This email signature generator enables users to create their own professional-looking signatures for email communication with ease. With MySignature, you can customize your email footer with a selection of fonts, colors, images, logos, and social media icons. The signatures are fully compatible with all major email providers. Additionally, MySignature offers a variety of email templates, allowing users to quickly and easily create a signature they’re proud of.

MySignature editor

This is a tool that simplifies the way companies and individuals create, manage, and enrich their email signatures. It’s easy to use and offers a lot of awesome templates to choose from. Decide on the formatting, elements organization, and color, and make an email signature to help stand out from the crowd.

Newoldstamp generator

If you want something really simple, you can try a signature generator by the University of South California but keep in mind that it won’t offer you dozens of templates, banners, and even an option to upload your photo. 

Email Signature Generator university

Creative examples of email signature

Now, do you want some inspiration? Here are a few nice email signature examples students may like. 

Example of a college student email signature

As a college student, it’s important to make a good impression. This college student email signature is one of the ways to do it. 

College email signature

Examples of a graduate student email signature

Thinking of sprucing up your emails as a graduate student? Consider adding a grad student email signature. Here are some inspiring examples of graduate student email signatures to get you started.

graduate student email signature

Master’s student example

Taking your first steps into the next chapter of your academic journey? Don’t forget to use the power of email signatures. When properly designed, a signature is an excellent way to give your email a professional look and attract more eyes to your blog, CV, and other stuff you think is important. 

Master’s student example signature

Ph.D. student example

After years of hard work, dedication, and long study sessions, you’re finally on the path to achieving your dreams. Who knows, maybe your email signature will help your potential employer know you better. 

Ph.D. student example

How to add a student signature

Finally, let us show you how to set up your student signature.


To add your signature in Gmail, go to Gmail’s settings in the upper right corner of the screen: Settings > See All Settings > General. Then scroll down to the Signature section. Read more here.


In Outlook, click the gear icon at the top right and select View all Outlook settings. On the left side of the window, click Mail and then select Compose and Reply from the options that appear. Then scroll down until you see a box marked Email signature. Here’s our complete guide on how to add an email signature in Outlook

Apple Mail

To set up a signature in Apple Mail, click Mail in the menu bar. Choose Settings. Then click the Signature tab. Use the “+” button to add your signature. Read more here.

How to use your student email signature for job hunting

It’s challenging to look for a job, and you only get one chance to make a good first impression. Your email signature is one of the best methods to convey a sense of professionalism and authority. If you want it to work as your digital business card, you need to be as professional as possible. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Use a dedicated tool to create a signature

It will allow you to add a clickable call to action and links to your social media/website. The most important thing: their templates are already tested and proven to be displayed consistently across all major email clients and operating systems. So you can be sure your recipients see your signature as you intended. 

social media links email signature
  • Link to your CV

You can use a custom button that links to your CV or a social media button that takes recruiters to your Linkedin profile. This will make it easier for a hiring manager to know more about you.

  • Direct people to relevant social media

Do you write a blog? Link to your Medium profile or website. If you have any social media accounts that are relevant to the job you are applying for and would make your profile stronger, it’s a good idea to link them. Make sure, though, that these profiles are up-to-date and that the content you post on social media and include in your email signature are things you wouldn’t mind a future employer seeing.

  • Use email signature with email tracking 

Do you want to keep track of who opens your emails and who clicks on the links in them? Install the MySignature extension to get all the information you need to make a perfect response on time.

Good luck with job hunting!


Here are the quick answers to the most common questions about student email signatures.

What should be in a student email signature?

While individual student signatures may vary, several essential components must be present. These are your name, major, name of the university, and key contact details. You can also add your photo and a link to your personal website and social networks.

Should college students have email signature?

Absolutely. A student’s email signature is a good way to give emails a more professional and credible look. Also, it’s a powerful tool that can help your job search. So don’t forget to add a link to your CV if your signature for college students.

Can you use student names in emails?

It’s recommended to add your full name to your email signature.

How do I create a professional email signature for students?

The best way to design a neat and good-looking email signature is by using an email signature generator such as MySignature. 

How do I create a student signature in Gmail?

To add your signature in Gmail, go to Gmail’s settings in the upper right corner of the screen (Settings > See All Settings > General). Then scroll down to the Signature section. Then Type in your details. However, it’s better to insert a signature designed with the help of a dedicated tool. 

Are You Ready to Create Your Student Email Signature?

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Helga Zabalkanska
Helga Zabalkanska
Helga is a CMO at MySignature and digital marketer with 7+ years of experience. Having worked in numerous industries she has a deep understanding of various markets and a variety of tools as well as growth hacking techniques that can boost marketing activity in a particular sphere.