Money isn’t everything, but it won’t hurt if you earn some on your personal brand.
Continue reading "21 Ways to Monetize Your Personal Brand and Start Making Money"Essential Visual Identity Elements to Build a Memorable Personal Brand
Just like your attitude, habits, and character traits make you a unique person, brand identity serves as a kind of “secret ingredient” that sets your business apart from numerous competitors.
Continue reading "Essential Visual Identity Elements to Build a Memorable Personal Brand"How To Build a Strong Personal Brand on Social Media in 7 Steps
Through the years, personal branding has emerged as a perfect way to establish credibility and authority in the digital landscape. More than ever, people now realize that branding is no longer restricted to celebrities and businesses. Today, it has shifted to a personal level. Every individual, whether they are associated with a business or not, can work towards developing a strong personal brand image to keep their audience engaged and interested.
Continue reading "How To Build a Strong Personal Brand on Social Media in 7 Steps"The Most Famous Examples of Personal Branding
Personal branding is about taking responsibility for how you present yourself in front of your audience. If you aim to establish yourself as an expert or become an influencer within a specific area, consider personal branding as the thing that can help you set authority as a leader. By being ready to show unique character features and having an active presence online, you can work towards developing a powerful self-branding strategy and building a successful brand that resonates with people throughout the world.
Continue reading "The Most Famous Examples of Personal Branding"Branding Distribution. Key Components Of Your Personal Brand Online
One of the most well-known definitions of a personal brand belongs to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. He said, “Personal brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.” The good news is that you can influence these conversations if you know exactly who you are and how you can use it.
Continue reading "Branding Distribution. Key Components Of Your Personal Brand Online"Email Signature Branding Guide. How to Promote Your Personal Brand through Email Communication?
Branding is a complex, never-ending activity that begins with yourself deciding to create a brand. The very first words you say about your brand start building your identity and people’s perception of it.
Continue reading "Email Signature Branding Guide. How to Promote Your Personal Brand through Email Communication?"Building Your Personal Brand Identity: the Essentials not to Miss
We are living in times when anyone with access to the Internet and social media has a chance to build an audience, start attracting people to their business, and become an influencer. And that’s exactly what a lot of us are already doing. If you are on your way to developing a personal brand, you’ll definitely like this article. Keep reading.
Continue reading "Building Your Personal Brand Identity: the Essentials not to Miss"How to Write an Apology Email Letter: Examples for All Cases
Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone dares to admit that and fix the situation. The right apology can save your reputation, but it's important to apologize sincerely and on time.
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How to fix email signature images changing size?
Are your email signature images changing or showing much larger when installing the signature in your email client?
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How to End an Email: Examples of Email Closing
You can end your email either with a usual sign-off or an email signature. Both options are good if you write them correctly. However, whether you write a formal business correspondence or an informal email, you should always try to finish it politely to get a recipient on your side and make the email warmer. I have collected some tips for professional email ending occasionally in this blog post.
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