Best Alternative to WiseStamp

The choice of small businesses, entrepreneurs, and industry thought leaders

Create free email signature

Best Alternative to WiseStampBest Alternative to WiseStamp

Why choose MySignature?

Canva integration

Canva integration

More free design options

More free design options

Free for all email clients

Free for all email clients

Create email signatures for

Easily generate customizable email signatures for your Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo, Thunderbird and Office 365 clients with the best email signature generator

Create Signature

GmailFree extensionExtension
Email trackingPro
Custom buttonProLimited free options
Colors customizationsFreePro
Predefined designs
Social icons designFreePro
Font designFreePro
Banner uploadProFree
Sign offFreeFree
DisclaimerProLimited free options
Green messageFreeFree
Online sheduleProFree
Social buttonsLimited free optionsFree
Sales eventsProFree
Integration with CanvaPro
Signature templates
Price4 per month5.8 per month
Tech support
Reseller program
Boost your brand with an intuitive email signature generatorBoost your brand with an intuitive email signature generator

Boost your brand with an intuitive email signature generator

Turn tedious email communication into an effective branding tool. Create an email signature that speaks from your brand.

Create Signature

Use the void at the bottom of your emails as a marketing opportunityUse the void at the bottom of your emails as a marketing opportunity

Use the void at the bottom of your emails as a marketing opportunity

Create amazing advertising banners using Canva integration or simply upload yours. Add custom Call-To-Action buttons.

Create Signature

Power up your email signature with add-ons to reach your business goalsPower up your email signature with add-ons to reach your business goals

Power up your email signature with add-ons to reach your business goals

Add a calendar, information about sales events, video conference tools, marketplaces, and disclaimers.

Create Signature

Basic features are free, you don’t have to pay for themBasic features are free, you don’t have to pay for them

Basic features are free, you don’t have to pay for them

Create your branded signature without spending extra money. Professional templates, simple customization, and social icons are free to use.

Create Signature