Draw Your Signature Online. A simple handwritten signature generator.
Create handwritten signature
How our online signature generator works:
- Use your mouse, touchpad, or simply draw signature online on the screen of your smartphone;
- Add your signature as a sign off to your email signature;
- Or click save to download the file with your online signature;
How can I add this sign off to my email signature?
Click the ‘Add to email signature’ button. Your handwritten sign-off will be automatically applied to the signature in our free email signature generator. You can also download the png file and upload it to your current email signature.
How to create an email signature with handwritten sign-off?
Draw your handwritten signature using our tool. Then click the ‘Add to email signature’ button. Your handwritten sign-off will be automatically applied to the signature template in the generator. You can add your information and customize the design.
How to add a handwritten email signature to my email?
Click the ‘Add to email signature’ button. Create a professional email signature with signature maker. Add your signature to the signature settings of your email client.
You can also draw your handwritten signature and download the png file. Add this file to the signature settings of your email client.
Can I sign documents with a created handwritten signature?
You can download the png file with your handwritten signature. Add this file to Google Docs, Word documents, and other editors.
What is an electronic signature and digital signature?
An electronic signature is basically a file with the image of a handwritten signature. It can be scanned or created by tools like this.
A digital signature is an encryption technology used for creating an electronic signature. The signer authenticates their identity by a digital private key.