Free Hubspot alternative

Use MySignature to create interactive and branded email signatures for your business

Create free email signature

Free Hubspot alternativeFree Hubspot alternative

Why choose MySignature?

Pre-designed email signature templates

Pre-designed email signature templates

More design options for signature customization

More design options for signature customization

Custom Canva banners and ready-to-use banner gallery

Custom Canva banners and ready-to-use banner gallery

Create email signatures for

Easily generate customizable email signatures for your Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo, Thunderbird and Office 365 clients with the best email signature generator

Create Signature

Pre-filled templates
Layout customization
Chrome extension for GmailFree
Email trackingPro
Banner upload
Banner gallery
Editable paddings
Custom Field
Font design
Social icons gallery
CTA buttons
Social buttons
Draw signature
Sign off
Canva integration
Green message
Regular feature updates
Customer supportLive chatRequests
Customize signatures the way you wantCustomize signatures the way you want

Customize signatures the way you want

Choose from a variety of signature templates and customize them in few clicks. Work with fonts, colors, formatting, elements organization to create design that will best suit your business needs.

Create Signature

Power up your email signature with addons to reach your business goalsPower up your email signature with addons to reach your business goals

Power up your email signature with addons to reach your business goals

Add calendar, information about sales events, video conference tools, marketplaces and disclaimers.

Create Signature

Promote anything with signature bannersPromote anything with signature banners

Promote anything with signature banners

Add a custom promotional banner directly from Canva using MySignature integration. Or choose from ready-to-use banners made by our professional design team.

Create Signature

Easily manage all email signatures in your Dashboard

Easily manage all email signatures in your Dashboard

Edit, clone and store all email signature designs using MySignature Dashboard. You can send your email signature directly to email for preview and further installation.

Create Signature