Create a Signature for Thunderbird

Create Signature
Create a Signature for ThunderbirdCreate a Signature for Thunderbird

How to generate a custom Thunderbird email signature in a few easy steps?

MySignature email generator makes it simple to create exclusive email signatures for your Mozilla Thunderbird account.

Here is a short and easy guide on how to make an email signature to your liking.

  1. Sign up/log in to MySignature;
  2. Click the New signature button in Dashboard;
  3. Type all necessary information such as your name, phone number, position, department, company, email, etc. Add a logo, banner or social media icons; create a disclaimer; configure text settings;
  4. Tap the Choose template button and opt for the template you like most;
  5. Click on the Finish button;
  6. Then, scroll a bit down and copy the HTML code that you will see on the left;
  7. Open Thunderbird, go to Tools → Account Settings, and select the account for which you are going to add a signature;
  8. Tick the Use HTML box and just paste your email signature (use Cmd+V/Ctrl+V keyboard shortcuts).

*to preserve correct email signature formatting, use the Chrome or Mozilla browser when copying a signature to the clipboard

Professionals choose MySignature to get the most out of their emails

I had a great experience. MySignature is very simple and very customizable! I can easily create a nice professional signature for my team. Thanks to the support team for helping with the set up of a signature for my business email.

I like the amount of information that can be conveyed in what would otherwise be wasted space. Particular like the design and easy to use.

I love using Mysignature! It's super easy to set up, even allowing you to use Canva within the editor! I love this service and recommend it to anyone looking to add a clean and professional touch to their emails.

I like the well-designed email signature templates by MySignature! Also, your Gmail tracker gives me the ability to track email activity after sending. For example, whether or not the customer received my invoice.

G2 crowd

G2 crowd

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8 reviews Score 4.6Score
Product hunt

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47 reviews Score 5Score


45 reviews Score 4.5Score
Chrome web store

Chrome web store

25 reviews Score 4.8Score

Data supplied as of 28/02/2024


Is MySignature compatible with Mozilla Thunderbird?

Yes. MySignature is compatible with all major email clients, including Mozilla Thunderbird.

How to create Mozilla Thunderbird email signature?

You can create a professional Thunderbird email signature with MySignature.

It is a unique tool that allows you to make a professional email signature just in a few minutes.

See the detailed instructions above.

What are the steps of adding an email signature to Thunderbird?

First of all, you have to sign up for MySignature.

Then, go to Dashboard and press the New Signature button.

Fill in the data you want to be included, click Finish.

Copy the source code (HTML) and paste it into your Thunderbird account. Voila!

Can I make Mozilla Thunderbird email signature with a logo?

Definitely. Just upload the image and add it to your email signature in our intuitive editor.

Before pasting the email signature into your Thunderbird account, preview how it will look like with a logo.

How to choose an email generator for Thunderbird?

When deciding which tool to use to generate a perfect email signature for Thunderbird, consider a few criteria.

Make sure it is easy-to-use, plugin-free and mobile-friendly.

Keep in mind, MySignature has all these characteristics.

What is more, it helps you create an email signature for all your team members and significantly improve your daily business communication.

Can I create a free email signature for Thunderbird?

Why not?

MySignature offers to create a free Thunderbird email signature for your personal use.

Simply sign up and follow the instructions above.

Can I create a Thunderbird email signature with an image?

Sure thing.

Once you’ve typed all information, go to the Images tab and upload a logo or banner.

Or you can also embed any social media icon.

Feel free to adjust the size and shape.

How to change the Thunderbird email signature format?

MySignature enables you to pick the format of your Thunderbird email signature.

We provide our users with multiple templates to choose from.

Make your email signature look professional and visually appealing.

Do you want to create a free email signature for Thunderbird?

Create Signature